Introducing PRANAYAKALATHINTE ORMMAKKU, a captivating novel by Chenthapure that will transport you to a world of love, passion, and heartache. Published by Prabhath Books in August 2003, this novel has captured the hearts of readers with its gripping storyline and beautiful prose.
The dimensions of this book are 22.5cm in length, 13.6cm in breadth, and 0.4cm in width, making it the perfect size to hold in your hands and get lost in its pages. Weighing only 74g, it is lightweight and easy to carry with you wherever you go.
With 82 pages written in the beautiful language of Malayalam, this novel will take you on a journey of emotions and leave you wanting more. Its stylish cover design will make a statement on your bookshelf, and its captivating story will keep you coming back to it time and time again.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to own PRANAYAKALATHINTE ORMMAKKU, a must-have for any book lover. Order now from our e-commerce store and experience the magic of this novel for yourself.