SUBHADRA is a captivating novel written by Premsuja and published by Green Books in May 2019. This multi-purpose novel is perfect for readers of all ages and interests. With a total of 200 pages, this novel is a perfect blend of drama, romance, and mystery.
The author, Premsuja, has beautifully crafted the story in the Malayalam language, making it a must-read for those who appreciate regional literature. The dimensions of the novel are 21.5cm in length, 14cm in breadth, and 1cm in width, making it a convenient size to carry around.
Weighing only 300g, SUBHADRA is a lightweight novel that can be easily carried in your bag or backpack. The novel is perfect for those who love to read on-the-go. The story is divided into 200 pages, making it an ideal read for a short commute or a lazy afternoon.
Whether you are a fan of romance, drama, or mystery, SUBHADRA has something for everyone. So, grab your copy of this multi-purpose novel and get ready to be transported into a world of love, emotions, and suspense.