TITONI is a captivating story written by Dr. S. Lal and published by Current Books in November 2018. This book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a well-written and engaging story. The book is written in Malayalam and has a total of 118 pages, making it a perfect read for a lazy afternoon.
The book has a compact size with dimensions of 20.2 cm in length, 13.8 cm in breadth, and 0.6 cm in width. It weighs only 137 g, making it easy to carry around and read on the go. The cover of the book is eye-catching and adds to the overall appeal of the book.
TITONI is a story that will keep you hooked from the very first page. It is a perfect blend of drama, romance, and mystery, making it a page-turner. The characters are well-developed, and the plot is well-crafted, making it a reliable and enjoyable read.